Archive of Lecture Series Videos 

2021 - 2022 Lecture Series

PAS ZOOM 2022-05-05.mp4

"The Ingenuity Helicopter"

Ted Blank, PAS Member & NASA Ambassador

May 5, 2022 (via ZOOM)


PAS Zoom 2022-04-08.mp4

"Creating a Space-Faring Civilization"

Michael Mackowski National Space Society

April 8, 2022 (via Zoom


PAS ZOOM 2022-03-03.mp4

"Migratory Planets and Chaos in the Young Solar System"

Dr. Renu Malhotra - University of Arizona  - March 3, 2022 (via Zoom)


"The Origin of the Elements"

Dr. Edward Murphy - University of Virgina

February 3, 2022 (via ZOOM)


PAS ZOOM 2022-01-20.mp4

"Betelgeuse is Pretty Cool"

Dr. Emily Levesque - University of Washington 

January 20, 2022 (via  Zoom)


PAS Zoom 2021-11-4.mp4

"The Search for Life in the Universe"

Dr. Klaus Brasch - Lowell Observatory November 4, 2021 (via  Zoom)


PAS Zoom 2021-12-02.mp4

"Rocky, Gassy, Icy, and Dwarf Planets" 

Dr. David Williams - ASU

December 2, 2021 (via  Zoom)


PAS ZOOM 2021-09-02.mp4

"Lakes of Titan"

Anna Engle - NAU September 2, 2021

(via Zoom)


PAS Zoom 2021-10-07.mp4

"What are Space and Time?"

Dr. James Lynch - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

October 7 , 2021

🡰 (via Zoom)

2020 - 2021 Lecture Series

PAS zoom 2021-8-05.mp4

"Automating Your Telescope for Astrophotography"

Dr. Richard Sauerbrun - PAS: August 5, 2021

(via Zoom)


PAS ZOOM 2021-08-19.mp4

"Here Comes the Sun"

Dr. Alex Vrenios - PAS August 19, 2021

(via Zoom)


PAS ZOOM 2021-05-20.mp4

"The Impact History of Earth and the Solar System"

Mike Marron - PAS: May 20, 2021

(via ZOOM)


PAS Zoom 2021-07-15.mp4

"EAA:  A Revolution in Astronomy Outreach"

Mark Johnston - PAS: July 15, 2021

(via ZOOM)


PAS Zoom 2021-04-15.mp4

"Artificial Intelligence for Astrophoto Imaging" 

Dr.  Alex Woronow - PAS: April 15, 2021 (via ZOOM)


PAS Zoom 2021-05-06.mp4

"NASA's Osiris-Rex Mission to Asteroid Bennu"

Dolores Hill - Sr. Research Specialist, ASU Planetary Lab: May 6, 2021 

(via ZOOM)


zoom_0 (1).mp4

"The Search for Planet X" 

Wil Oldroyd, NAU: March 4, 2021 

(via  ZOOM)


PAS Zoom 2021-04-01.mp4


Professor Danny Jacobs - ASU: April 1, 2021 

(via  ZOOM)


DEC 3 pas zoom mtg (1).mp4

“Titan: The Past & Future Exploration of Saturn’s Largest Moon”  

 Dr. David Williams, ASU : December 3, 2020 (via  ZOOM)


PAS ZOOM 2021-01-14.mp4

"Update on the James Webb Space Telescope & Black Hole Beauties

Dr. Rogier Windhorst, ASU : January 14, 2021 (via  ZOOM)


"Photographic Legacy of Lowell's Great Refractor" 

Dr. Klaus Brasch, Lowell Observatory : September 3, 2020 (via  ZOOM)


PAS Zoom 2020-11-05.mp4

"Use light instead of a pick axe to unravel planetary surfaces" 

Vincenzo Cataldo, Arizona State University : November 5, 2020 (via  ZOOM)
